Thursday, November 1, 2007

Music For Free???

I found a few bloggers who do remixes and post them for download, Find them listed below:

My Fav is :


So........ Ally and I went to her Naturopath last night. Nice girl, Leah, who has been treating Ally for a few months. Ally and I are trying for kids, but due to both our lifestyles, has been quite difficult.

We had one succesful conception, but it miscarried for a number of reasons. Ally and I are both fine about it, as we didn't know that there had been a pregnancy until after Leah had read the charts that Ally updates religiously. Since seeing Leah, Ally has cut out Wheat and Soy products, shopping for groceries takes an hour longer as we read everything on the ingredients labels. For all intensive purposes, Ally has changed her diet to Gluten and Dairy free. I have also decided to change my diet to help and Support Ally, so I have cut back on SOME gluten products. I eat wheat free pasta, soy has been cut from my diet, but I still add salt, rice noodles instead of Hokken or Vermicelli. I have drawn the line on Chocolate, full cream milk and of course Beer. I was told last night there is a Gluten free beer, which to my HUGE delight, is my regular sip anyway, Coopers Pale Ale.


As Ally and Leah were deep in discussion of Menstrual cycles, temprature dips and peaks, it was suggested I start a Herb course. So here I am all wired up from raw Ginko and Gensing and some other 'orrible stuff.

I hope this works, I've only had one dose of the stuff and already me taste buds are ready to reject the stuff, hehehe.